Mom on a Quest Now on Sale

I'm the mom of two daughters, and being a sarcastic nerdball myself, it appears I've passed on my endearing qualities to them. While cleaning the living room the other day, I found the following folded note. I unfolded it to find the message inside:


This confirms one of my daughters is 1) a snarky tween and 2) an offline Internet troll. (Fun fact: I thought the older, middle school daughter had written the note, but it turned out to be the 3rd grader!)

My daughter's sassiness is a great segue to today's big news: Mom on a Quest is now available on Amazon as an ebook, paperback, hardback, and in Kindle Unlimited! Single mom Melissa Hartley continues her quest to protect her daughter Regan from magical fae forces (with a strong cup of coffee in hand, of course).


This has been my best series book launch to date, and I'm excited to see how readers like the sequel.

Until next time, happy adventuring!

-DM Fike