Rising Scorn, Magic of Nasci #6, is live!
Rising Scorn, Book 6 of the Magic of Nasci nature wizard series, is live!

Honestly, I could have left the series to end at Book 5. It had a plot arc that I was happy with and explored a decent chunk of the magical world I intended to build. The series, being a mostly urban fantasy but with YA elements and decidedly NOT set in a city, has been tough to promote. My goal with writing fantasy novels was to make part-time money, and I'm definitely still way off from getting there. In some ways, moving onto a new series makes a lot of business and creative sense.
But I still have a lot of stories I yearn to tell about Ina and the shepherds of Nasci. It's so easy for me to slip back into this world because I know most of these characters and their lives very intimately. I'd also garnered a decent fan base who keep asking when the next book is coming, which is immensely gratifying since that's never happened to me before. So I decided to commit to another 3 books that follow the events of Soaring in Air.
I hope you enjoy reading Ina's next adventures as much as I had writing them.