Running into Fire

Running into Fire

Magic of Nasci

by DM Fike

Fires rage across Oregon’s coastal forests.  Ina vows to stop them, no matter the cost.

As  a shepherd of Nasci, Ina knows all about banishing mystical beasts, but  this time is different.  Strange portals appear in unlikely places.   Forest fires burn out of control.  Even the monsters responsible for the  chaos aren’t acting normal.

What can Ina do?  She’s still only a  novice elemental wizard, and her superiors believe she’s too headstrong  to stop the rash of destruction.

But Ina’s not one to sit on the  sidelines.  If her mentor Guntram and game warden Vincent won’t help  her, she’ll find another way to solve this mystery, even if it means  bending rules that could destroy her.

Running into Fire  is the third installment in the action-packed fantasy series based on  the wilderness.  If you ever felt magic out in the woods, then Magic of Nasci is for you.

Available Formats
Amazon eBook, Kindle Unlimited, and print

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Running into Fire

Magic of Nasci

by DM Fike

Running into Fire

Fires rage across Oregon’s coastal forests.  Ina vows to stop them, no matter the cost.

As  a shepherd of Nasci, Ina knows all about banishing mystical beasts, but  this time is different.  Strange portals appear in unlikely places.   Forest fires burn out of control.  Even the monsters responsible for the  chaos aren’t acting normal.

What can Ina do?  She’s still only a  novice elemental wizard, and her superiors believe she’s too headstrong  to stop the rash of destruction.

But Ina’s not one to sit on the  sidelines.  If her mentor Guntram and game warden Vincent won’t help  her, she’ll find another way to solve this mystery, even if it means  bending rules that could destroy her.

Running into Fire  is the third installment in the action-packed fantasy series based on  the wilderness.  If you ever felt magic out in the woods, then Magic of Nasci is for you.

Available Formats
Amazon eBook, Kindle Unlimited, and print

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